Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today was such an amazing day. 

It started of with summer program in the morning and everything was really in quite a mess. But its ok, we all learn from our mistakes and it was a good learning experience. 

Later on was service and Pst Joakim preached all the classic sermons and once again heart of God church was brought back to our foundations again. 

The SA guys later shared their testimony and I had an interview with them. It was kind of wierd as up till today, I think I still have stage fright. Its really not easy talking to 600 people. Still remember the days where I use to tear and cry whenever I talk during sharing. Its a long way and I am just glad that things are different now. 

So back to the meeting, the last part where Pst How led in prayer, it was the most amazing. Prayed like I have never prayed before for the next generation. It was those "I cant do it on my own" kind of prayer. Anw, FYI: Darren prayed till he puked! 

But beyond that I finally understand why I use to be so crazy over d zone but as zone F came along, my whole heart was just there. Zone D, I am sorry. Its not really that you guys are not loved. But I just think that its so true that in the last days God's going to turn the heart of the fathers to the children because God is a God of generations. 

Zone D are like my friends? We talk and thats mainly it. But for Zone F, i feel that its my responsibility. I think, pray, talk, cry, laugh and go through my whole life with them. Its almost like when I talk to my uni friends, I really do not know what they are talking about and don't find their jokes funny anymore because it just doesn't make sense to me. You come to a stage where everything is about 13 and 14 years old that sometimes you start to act like one. 

But anw, Yong Hui came for the F1 outing yesterday and he said something very interesting. He said, "the parents always complain about our youths leading the younger people. They should come and lead the youths themselves!" I think Yong Hui felt that the outing was so different from a G zone outing cause it was non stop action and talking as the ppl in F1 are really the craziest bunch of people that can really talk! hahaha....But in G Zone it would be just sitting down to eat and talk about life. 

But really beyond that, it made me think about Pst Lia. How on earth did Pst Lia lead the youth ministry by herself! Today, there are Lyn, Jian Ming, Ivan and myself! But Pst Lia did it all by herself during those days. She literally was here for all of us all the time. And we were so active in those days, I can just imagine Pst going home so so so tired everyday in those days. Beyond that, all the heartbreaks when people left and etc...I am sure if you have been in youth ministry, you will know what I am talking about. 

To think that Pst Lia did it all single handedly, I really really really do show her all respect and honor. :)


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Had a schools training meeting this morning. It was amazing! 

We are once again going to reach out to the schools again and do the ground work again. 

100 schools by the end of the year! 


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hi World! Its great to be blogging again. 

So many things have been happening. 

Good and bad things.
Great and disappointing news
but life's always great because we have God walking beside us. 

Just ended an amazing weekend. feel really happy because as a whole team in church everyone went up a whole new level! Charleston preached a great word on what does heart of God church mean to you? Shared about Ramah during zone camp. Ivan shared an amazing word on the Peter Generation and of course Elevate played so well last weekend. It was Life changing. 

Sometimes, its one thing to get 1st prize and rejoice yet its a whole new different feeling when 10 other of your friends win the prize together with you? Its something so cool! Its like everyone celebrates together. It rocks! Its a team thing, its a team effort and thats what I like about our church. 

Went back home on Saturday, crashed for 15 hours straight. but before that something cool happened. Sidney, Noel and myself wanted to save money. But on Sat night, we missed the last bus cause we wanted to eat Tau Hwui with Ryan Yap so we took bus 2 which brought us to Chinatown and we walked for 2 hours all the way home so that we could save 8dollars each. It was the best walk ever. We just talked about life and the best part was...every step was a sacrifice to God! 

Some really bad stuff happened on monday. 
My sister went to the hospital and we found out that there has been a tumor growing on the bottom of her brains. Thank God we found out earlier or she might loose her vision. The tumor is right beside her pituitary glands. Just got to go for an operation and things will be fine. Praying for her. home...shaun leow showing me some blogs! Really cool to read blogs. Never had so much fun doing it! Life rocks. 

Keep smiling. Keep growing in your relationship with God. 

