Wednesday, July 02, 2008

"Many times, the failure of most successful man is his success as for most of them, they take on "successful habits" and drop those that made them successful." - dom

Today, it was a totally long day. Prepared a sermon that was from my heart for zone F this season! This weekend's gonna be powerful! 

Had a meeting with Psts at night and my head was just totally blown away by everything that happened! It was so inspiring...everything that they shared and happened...

...we work with what we have, that is a life principle that we gotta live by in life... - Pst Lia

Gonna sleep now! tired.... :0



Dominic Leong


|joYce ; vAl fiFi; eS-monde; Cinyi; lYnette-girL; mr kAi sHeng; kHalisAh; sAm tEo ; aUnt yOlanda ; LIane ; wEi TzE--- ; bRO gArrEtt ; wEndY ; pAmmy gUrl ; jOanNe nAi MA ; huI mIn ; VErN POH ; jIa xIn ; pOllynA ; miSS maRil. ; kElL.jAcksOn(hOu); hUi yIng; vAneSSA; BrO YeO!; RuO-En huishan andy jamie |

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