Sunday, March 20, 2005

HEY!! RED RAIN is comin to towN! the music you are hearing now on my blog are songs from theM! coolz right?!

this week has really been great! though it was juz a short one week holidays but i felt i achieved so much! Isnt it great to live a christian life, a life with problems but with a God there to support you through it. A life once without purpose but now directed and lead in everything that you do! haha....never really talked about such stuff on my blog but since its my blog, and since you are here reading have no choice! gRRz...heehee...


Went for a week of sy rogers seminar at church and he was this pst that specialised in sexuality problems and etc. Really inspired by everything that he spoke. After that, we had a chalet and later went for band camp and it was followed by passion movie and planet shakers...

Isnt it great to live a life knowing what you want to achieve and where you want to go?! Last week my band conductor asked the band, who here dares to dream and knows where he is going, out of anger, when the whole band couldnt express and play real "music". He wanted to put across the point that this generation didnt know how to dream big dreams and live big lives. But at that point, in my heart, i went" YES! YES! i know how to and i am doing it in my daily life! I know where i want to Go, i know what i want to do, and i really want it badly!"...but pai sE didnt saE..haha...yeA...but am really glad that i am living this life that i am living now with God leading me through my paths, wherever i go. Knowing that every decision that i make, if its of God's, its the best thing that can ever happen to me!

cant believe i talked so much stuff that i do not realli talk about in my blog.....gRrzz. :)

from muai heaRt....dominic


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

wOo HoO! LifEs bEen grEAT more termS and a reallz holidays where by you can do whateVerrrzz you want for onCe! heh heh! REalli excited bout all the thigns coming up!! RED RAIN is comin to town, Planet ShaKeRs, chaLet and etC!~ gooOOz! alsO, bought a home theatre system fEr my room fEr juz 200 bUckZ! cheap rite?! 6 speakers hung up on my rooOM. With surround effeCts whEn you watcH a moviE...OcOOlz leO!

At cHurCh now! gOnna do folLow up wiTh anDrew! heh heh heh!! realli excited!

oH yaH! and joanne ask if i am gonna invite ani onE to my housSE! oH yeS but!! don regrEt heh?! gEt reAdy to gEt some frEe "'services"" from mR KS!

gOO gAA....good luck fEr all of you doing teRms kk! goTta do Well!


Thursday, March 03, 2005

hElLo!! woOO back my results tOday....quiTe bAD C, O and F....haha....but i am quite glad that i got C for PhysicCSSss....CoOl riGHt?!?! haha....gRRrzzz....kk lahz...think i am quiTe ok witH it lahz...think will kana SSP(self study programme) but nVm....aM surviving WeLL! heh hEh...

todAy soMethiN so EmbBarrassiN haPpeNeD!!! i FELL DOWN ON THE BUS!! and everyone stARted looking AtmE! tEll you!!! thE wHolE woRld jUz lookEd aT me!! xiAn maN!! AHH!! so eMbarrAssing....they muz be thinking to themselvES that, what is this stupiD ACJC guy doiN on thE fLoor!

tAlkin to mR aNdrEw noW!! he is quiTe deprEsseD and tiRed suddEnly...haha....(phrasin out what he is telling me). Cause thiS wEek he has been slEepin 5 hours a dAYz.....gRrzzz...he dAm funni...he think benny hinn meeting got reserved sits for Heart of God church people....siao siao one loRz...haha....hE dAm cOolz loRZzzz....hahaha....
