Thursday, October 26, 2006

have been thinking about how people work nowadays and its really irritating me at times as I start to think of the ways at which we have to work in army.

everytime, you know that you have certain amounts of job to do but then you just have to do it at a slow pace and not rush things out so that people would just look at you work....while if you work fast, you are just seen as a slacker when you are done with your work and have nothing to do, that would normally be what people term you as....guess its just how our society works and the working enironment out there is...

its no wonder people say that there are lots of politics in the working world. Just have to be exposed to it...

however, I wont ever want to work in an environment like that again in the future man...I dont want to work in this way anymore other than in army as I dont think i can take such a life...

sometimes, maybe we are just too idealistic and see everything and everybody as perfect as it might seems, but, i rather stay this way all my life...

Tom I am going to wild wild wet! CAn you believe it! The whole Brigate of 1800 people are going...its gonna be so disguisting...hahaha....wonder how it would be like man!

The weekends are coming again! Its so cool! Realise I have just been living for my weekends for the past 1 year, but its great! At least there is something to look forward to every monday night?! YEA!

LIFEs amazing as always with HIm! AMAZING...



Dominic Leong


|joYce ; vAl fiFi; eS-monde; Cinyi; lYnette-girL; mr kAi sHeng; kHalisAh; sAm tEo ; aUnt yOlanda ; LIane ; wEi TzE--- ; bRO gArrEtt ; wEndY ; pAmmy gUrl ; jOanNe nAi MA ; huI mIn ; VErN POH ; jIa xIn ; pOllynA ; miSS maRil. ; kElL.jAcksOn(hOu); hUi yIng; vAneSSA; BrO YeO!; RuO-En huishan andy jamie |

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