Sunday, August 20, 2006
I guess since one year ago, "being married", things have just changed so much. Prelims are over, A levels are over, my long 3 months break is over, BMT is over, scouting in army days are over, and here I am doing PT's in the morning, helping out as a finance personnel in the afternoon, helping out my family in the evening and doing the best thing I can do at the nights...heh heh...
I have just made so many new friends over the past year, from my BMT mates to my current 4 SIR friends...sometimes, it really really makes me wonder what an amzing life we have, in just one year, your life can turn 180 degrees that sometimes, you do not really recognise your old "boy boy" self....haha...guys, everyone say, "the only constant thing in life is"...."CHANGE...."
Nowadays, in church, I am also leading a bunch of fantastic guys named ZONE F, zone of the FUTURE....they are just like me when I was sec 1 & 2 and going back to make a difference really excites me as I am changing lives once again and making a difference..........they are really exciting people with a pure heart and these are the things that really excite me at the end of the day as I know that I can never do such things anywhere else!! Making a difference...
Dominic Leong
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