Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Think I am gonna do really badly for Physics but nvm, am realmy going to study harder for my A's and score an A for it! Never loosing hope man! Just hope that I don do too badly this time. Grz, there's a chance that i may fail! How bad can that be! Its my prelims man.
That day, i was just looking at the highway at which was being build at my house after Garrett and Dan was just talking about how Pst use to have a vision about building the highways for the lost! Its so true! We gotta start to build highways which lead people into their destiny.
So many lives are just goin rounds and rounds not knowing where they are heading, stuck in a jam. Isnt it cool to build a highway! You do not lead just one car to move at its fullest potential to its destiantion but thousands and thousands of cars move through it everyday! Amazin....
Physics Students. Ever wondered why aircrafts have their engines below the wings and not on the top since you want to create a higher speed on the top so that the pressure above would be lower than the ones below, creating a lift? No? Cause the thing causing the presure diffenrece is its aerofoil structure no the engine. The engine onli helps to cause the plane to move forward. Also, due to the pressure difference caused by the aerofoil shape, there would be a rush of air near the tip at the back of the wings upwards, which would create a large turbulence at the back of the craft causing it to be sucked backwards. Therefore an engine got to be build at the bottom to overcome this.
So many things just happened this month! HAve been couging like mad! Feel like I am goign to have bronchitis soon. haha...juz kidding. Phlegm has been my snack for the day for the past 2 weeks man. Grzzz...
Read about this book on team work and was so inspired. Ever heard of Charles Plumb? He is one of america's pilot.
During the civil war, he fought and his plane was being shot down by one of the vietnamese planes and he was kept as a prisoner of war for a total of 6 years. After that he was released and was honoured as a hero of america. One dat he and his wife were eating in a restaurant when a man came to the table and said,"You're Plumb. You flew jet fighters in Vietnam!"
"That's right!" answered Plump, "I did"
"It was fighter sqad 114 on the Kitty Hawk. You were shot down and were parachuted into the enemy's hands," the man continued. "You spent 6 years as a prisoner of war."
The former pilot was taken aback. He looked at the man, trying to identify him, but couldn't. "How in the world did you know that?" Plumb finally answered.
The man said, "i packed your parachute." Plumb was staggered and all he could do was struggle to his feet to shake this man's hand and thank him.
Wow! isnt it amazing. Without these people's continuous and careful work in the daily routines in the team, Plumb would not have been able to survive in that accident. So many of us take small little things that we do with little care and do not really see the impact at which it might cause. Am really gonna grow into another level of doing the small little things right.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or we perish together as fools"
It was realli fun last sunday. We had a good time of jamming and worship for just and hour. How i wish we could get back to those times of worship just as we did a few years ago again man. Just playin on my instrument with the team and worshipping God together. It was really fun. Playing as a whole team with the few of us, Dan, Garrett, Ks and Peck! Woo hoo....
Anw, got a really cool song man. Its called Majesty. Am sure many of you guys heard it before. But Look at the lyrics man. Really powerful. Gotta look at the hillsongs delirious dvd of this song if you havent. Tell you, its the vestest bestest tightest song man. So powerful!
LOooolillloo....Whoa. Its been long since i have last went out for a movie or anithing like that with my school friends. Ac Gang! remember to go for one this friday! haha.....realli miss those days that i use to pon school once a a VERRYYY long while...haha...and hang out with friends and eat relax man. haha....realli bad, but sometimes its quite enjoyable i must say. heehee...pls don learn this, dangerous. Can onli do once in a very long while. haha....
Have got the lyrics of the majesty song below. Enjoy kk!
Here I am
humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am,
knowing I'm a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your lifeThe greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I amEmpty handed,
but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Isn't it powerful!
And anw! thanks for all of your smses man. Realli realli encouragin!! REALI! it made lots of difference. All your prayers and everything. Wow...whocked, shocked and amazed. Thanks guys!
Cant wait for this to be over and just hang out and talk to all my long never talked to friends and "meh meh". A levels is realli horrandous!
Miss everyone man.
ARggH. NVM! Will overcome this and make sure that i do well in it or i know i am realli gonna regret it! Gotta do my best for it!
"the just shall live by faith"
Dominic Leong
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